FIRST Lego League Teams (FLL)
This fall we will no longer be coaching FLL Teams. We have enjoyed all the years of working with students in this age group but this year we will be shifting our focus to the FTC program and teams.
FIRST Tech Challenge Teams (FTC)

(7th through 12th Grade Students)
This fall we will expand our FTC teams to include two levels: Varsity for students in grades 9 – 12 and JV for students in grades 7 – 9. As a 9th grader, if you have not participated in FTC before you will be part of the JV program.
If you are interested in joining us this fall please email [email protected].
WHO: FTC Competition Teams are open to students in grades 7 – 12 with an interest in coding and robotics.
WHEN: Each week students will attend team practice on Monday evenings from 6:00 – 8:00. Practices will begin on Monday, September 9 and the season will last until February or early March depending on the success of the team.
WHERE: Practices will be held at St. Thomas More School. 1040 Flexer Avenue, Allentown, PA 18103.
TEAMS: FTC teams may consist of 5 – 15 members. LVCORE will attempt to have teams consisting of 5 – 8 team members to maximize student involvement.
COMPETITIONS: The team will compete in two or three Qualifier event in December, January and February.
COST: $650 for the season. Payment by installment is an option with $275 due at registration and then three payments of $125 due on Sept 15, Oct 15, and Nov 15.